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Spring Archives

Soaked Swings: Navigating the Impact of a Wet Spring on Southeastern Golf Courses

As spring blossoms across the Southeast, golfers eagerly anticipate hitting the links to enjoy the lush green fairways and vibrant blooms. However, this year’s spring season has brought with it an unexpected challenge: relentless rainfall. From Florida’s palm-lined courses to North Carolina’s mountain vistas, golf courses in the Southeast are grappling with the repercussions of a wet spring. Let’s explore…

Maximizing Turf Health: The Optimal Time for Applying Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Maintaining a lush and healthy turfgrass requires careful attention and proactive measures to combat weeds effectively. Among the arsenal of tools available to turfgrass managers, pre-emergent herbicides play a pivotal role in preventing the emergence of weeds before they become a nuisance. However, timing is crucial when it comes to applying these herbicides to achieve maximum efficacy and protect the…

Spring Fertilization for Homeowners

A lush green lawn is a source of pride for many homeowners, and achieving this requires proper maintenance, including fertilization. Fertilization is an essential aspect of turfgrass management, as it provides nutrients that are essential for growth, development, and health of the grass. However, not all fertilizers are created equal, and using the wrong type of fertilizer can do more…

Warmer Spring Will Challenge Turfgrass Manager’s Pest Control

As the warmer Spring season arrives in the southern part of the United States, turfgrass managers are preparing to deal with a range of pests that can effect their turfgrass. However, the warmer temperatures and changing climate patterns may have a significant impact on the timing and effectiveness of pest control measures. Much of the ‘early spring; has to do…